The largest traffic dedicated to material selection
SpecialChem offers the largest databases of specialty chemicals and materials and attracts thousands of engineers, formulators and specifiers across the globe every day.

Visits in

Profiled members

Listed products

Listed suppliers
The preferred channel for technical buyers with a strong intent
Our visitors aren't just curious people looking at product data for fun. No. Most of them are engineers, formulators and specifiers who have a real buyer intent for an active or upcoming project.

Technical buyers
Most of our members are engineers, formulators and specifiers who hold the technical decision power to select, adopt and buy a new specialty chemical or material.

Visits related to projects
Based on an online 2021 study where 35,000 visitors participated, 2 out of every 5 visitors to our platforms claimed their visit was related to an active product development project.

Inbound traffic
9 out of 10 visits start with a question or search, and they land on SpecialChem to get their answer. And those visitors are more likely to be actively searching for new materials for a specific project.
Digital material selection is the new standard: +50% traffic vs 2019
Your technical buyers are now digital. They prefer to self-educate before contacting you. They use online channels such as our material selection platform to explore, screen and short-list new solutions and suppliers. And Covid-19 was just a catalyst for this growing trend in the chemical industry. The figures speak for themselves.
Traffic evolution on SpecialChem platforms

A global reach and influence
Our visitors are global, and equally shared between the Americas, EMEA and Asia/Pacific regions.
Geo split of SpecialChem traffic

Engage with your technical decision makers
Our visitors are your future customers. They pro-actively use SpecialChem platforms for their material selection, and their job positions is the best indicator of their technical decision power.
70% of our members hold R&D and Production positions

Extend your influence downstream your value chain
Don't limit yourself to your direct customers. With SpecialChem, you can reach, educate and engage all the decision makers across your target markets.
86% of our members are in your customers' value chain

A wide range of markets and applications
Our visitors are searching materials for various applications, have a look at some of the most popular: