SpecialChem: The Material Selection Platform offers the access to a free industry product database of cosmetic and personal care ingredients to help formulators find the right product they need for their project.
In 2024, we had listed 53 000+ cosmetics ingredients attracting more than 2.7M Visitors with an an active project, searching for ingredients or trying to solve a technical challenge, and among them 76% were in R&D and Production roles.
Each year, we analyze the products our visitors are most interested in to create the highly anticipated list of top suppliers among 1,100+ ranked by product searches. Here are the TOP 100 suppliers on our Cosmetics Ingredients Platform for 2024.
Top 100 suppliers of cosmetics ingredients
🏆 #1 - BASF
🥈 #2 - Croda
🥉 #3 - Evonik
🏅 #4 - Clariant
🥳 #5 - Dow
😎 #6 - Symrise
🎉 #7 - Ashland
🙌 #8 - Seppic
👏 #9 - Lubrizol
👍 #10 - Brenntag