SpecialChem: The Material Selection Platform offers the largest database of polymer additives, making it easy for formulators and chemical engineers to find the ideal ingredients for their materials.
In 2024, we had listed 56 000+ polymer additives from 1 400+ Suppliers attracting over 1.1M Visitors with 700K+ identified active projects. And these visits are 72% in R&D and Production positions.
Our highly anticipated list is here! Discover the TOP 100 most popular suppliers of polymer additives in 2024 on SpecialChem, ranked by product searches.
Top 100 suppliers of polymer additives
🏆 #1 - BASF
🥈 #2 - Evonik
🥉 #3 - Lanxess
🏅 #4 - LyondellBasell
🥳 #5 - Cargill
😎 #6 - Omya
🎉 #7 - Emery Oleochemicals
🙌 #8 - Syensqo
👏 #9 - BYK
👍 #10 - Clariant