What is a SpecialChem product listing?
We provide free product databases to help engineers, formulators and specifiers around the world to discover their next material or specialty chemical ingredient.
Product Listings on SpecialChem's platform help suppliers to attract, influence and engage with their technical buyers when they are actively searching for new ingredients.

Our product listing options
Basic Listing
Get your products listed in SpecialChem databases to gain more visibility for your products and your company
- List your products on SpecialChem
- Get listed on partners' websites
- Get ranked by company, alphabetic order
Premium Listing
Boost your visibility to attract and influence your technical buyers when they search for products like yours
Starts at 2,255€ /year
- Everything in Basic Listing
- Appear above Basic Listing in search results
- Remove competitors' banners on your product pages
- Be top-listed on specific keywords
- Add Technical Data Sheet downloads
- Attach unlimited documents to your products
- Access online traffic analytics
Lead Generation Listing
Engage with your future customers when they consider your specialty chemicals or materials for their projects
Starts at 3,162€ /year
- Everything in Premium Listing
- Appear above Premium Listing in search results
- Add sample request and contact buttons
- Receive all the requests with an email alert
- Receive all the leads interacting with your content
- Leads are counted as unique for 30 days
- Get A.I. lead scoring to prioritize your follow-up
- Access to your leads in your online analytics
Why should I list my products on SpecialChem?

Reach a massive audience of chemical buyers
visitors used SpecialChem to search new specialty chemicals and materials in . Already members registered and hold technical R&D and production positions, your technical buyers.

Be considered at the most critical stages of the buying decision
69% of our visits are related to an active project, from exploring new solutions to short listing suppliers and even later phases. This result comes from a massive survey that we ran among visitors on SpecialChem in 2023.

Educate and influence the technical decision makers
65% of engineers prefer digital self-education according to GlobalSpec 2019 Smart Marketing study. Our Premium Listing helps you to embed decisive documents right in your product pages to ease and accelerate the buying journey of your future customers.

Drive 4x to 6x more views on your products
Subscribing to a Premium Listing has a significant impact on your company popularity and the visibility of your products. Our clients attract between 4 to 6 times more views on their products in average.

Receive sample and contact requests
There is nothing more frustrating than finding a solution and then not being able to contact the supplier. Some will even given up. Our Lead Generation Listing allows you to ease the contact between your potential buyers and your company by capturing all direct requests.

Detect and connect with your future customers
Most of the visitors looking at your products are not ready to contact you yet. Some of them may need additional documents or some may have questions to move forward. Our Lead Generation Listing scores your leads to help you connect with them with the most appropriate follow-up.
See the listing options in action
Increase your product ranking in search results and appear on specific keywords
Remove competitors banners on your product pages
Add documents and datasheets to encourage self-education on your products
Convert your visitors into scored leads with request buttons and document downloads
Monitor the traffic, performance and audience on your products. View and export your leads from your online program analytics.
Get your products listed in our selectors available on these partner websites