
Bad vs Good webinars practices: how to captivate your audience

Published June 22, 2022 | Written by Nicolas Dupond

Are your webinar presentations really good?

Well, if you are asking yourself this question, these Good vs Bad webinar practices will help you to identify and fix the weaknesses in your presentations.

Help yourself!


good v bad webinars


❌😈 Bad webinar presentations

  • Focused on you, your company, your products or services.
  • Without a specific or clear marketing goal.
  • Too long, too technical, and mostly sales-oriented.
  • Overloaded with tons of texts and complex charts.
  • Badly presented with a boring speaker who reads the slides.


✔️😇 Good webinar presentations

  • Dynamic and interactive. The speaker talks to the audience and turn the camera on to be closer to the audience.
  • Educational, actionable, with a great storytelling that focuses on the audiences pains and challenges.
  • Easily digestible, not too long with just minimum level of information to convince the audience.
  • Well illustrated with sharp slides that reinforce the key messages or break down complex concepts.


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