Learning Center: digitalize your business in chemicals

    What is a lead?

    What is a lead?

    Why are my products listed on SpecialChem?

    Why are my products listed on SpecialChem?

    Can I generate leads from banners?

    Can I generate leads from banners?

    Why do you receive duplicated leads from SpecialChem or UL Prospector®?

    Why do you receive duplicated leads from SpecialChem or UL Prospector®?

    TOP 100 most popular suppliers of plastics and elastomers on SpecialChem in 2020

    TOP 100 most popular suppliers of plastics and elastomers on SpecialChem in 2020

    TOP 100 most popular suppliers of polymers additives on SpecialChem in 2020

    TOP 100 most popular suppliers of polymers additives on SpecialChem in 2020

    TOP 100 most popular suppliers of adhesives ingredients on SpecialChem in 2020

    TOP 100 most popular suppliers of adhesives ingredients on SpecialChem in 2020

    TOP 100 most popular suppliers of cosmetics ingredients on SpecialChem in 2020

    TOP 100 most popular suppliers of cosmetics ingredients on SpecialChem in 2020

    TOP 100 most popular suppliers of coatings ingredients on SpecialChem in 2020

    TOP 100 most popular suppliers of coatings ingredients on SpecialChem in 2020

    SpecialChem turns 20, and we have gifts to thank you

    SpecialChem turns 20, and we have gifts to thank you

    Top 5 reasons why leads for your chemicals don't convert into sales

    Top 5 reasons why leads for your chemicals don't convert into sales

    Voice of the market in chemical: why and how to choose your third-party

    Voice of the market in chemical: why and how to choose your third-party

    Podcast: digitalization in the chemicals distribution sector

    Podcast: digitalization in the chemicals distribution sector

    Distributors: can the middlemen survive the digital revolution?

    Distributors: can the middlemen survive the digital revolution?